Under the "Products" tab you will see the shopping cart with the products added to the event.
You can add products in two different ways when creating your event.
Click on the shopping cart to add products.
Under Select Product you can select existing products for your event.
Under "Product Import" you can add products simply by copying the link. To do this, copy the link of the corresponding product into the URL line.
In the next window you can see the imported information and correct it if necessary.
The following data will be imported:
Name of the product
Can be changed at will, at check-out the name of the supplier will be displayed.
Will be taken from the provider if possible (if not available select one of your created categories or create a new one)
At checkout always the price of the provider is charged, change the price only if it was imported incorrectly!
Internal product key of the provider
This is needed for the check-out and identifies the product at the supplier. Change this only if it is incorrect and does not match the internal product key of the source!
Will be taken from the provider, more can be added later.
Url to the product
Your inserted url